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Forum Posts

Mar 29, 2018
In Victim/Family Restoration
In his Bicentennial Blueprint, Governor Greg Abbott called for a statewide effort to help victims of child sex trafficking. The 84thth Legislature responded by passing HB 10 and HB 1446, Texas Government Code §§ 772.0062 – 772.0063, which established the Governor’s Child Sex Trafficking Team (CSTT) within the Criminal Justice Division. The charge for the team is to: Assist agencies in leveraging and coordinating state resources Collect and analyze research and information Provide support for prosecutions Facilitate collaborative efforts to prevent, recover, and restore Coordinate with state and local law enforcement, state agencies, and service providers to identify child sex trafficking victims Coordinate with local service providers to create a customized package of services to fit the immediate and long-term rehabilitation and treatment needs
Texas Governor's office takes a lead role in the fight. content media
Mar 29, 2018
In Deterrence
Several organizations are working to educate commercial sex buyers regarding the fact that "prostitution" is not a victim-less crime. Many of those who work in the commercial sex industry were forced or coerced into "the life"or could be victims of trafficking. Even more heinous are the number of children who have been forced to participate. In Dallas/Fort Worth a recent billboard campaign focused solely on deterrence.
Posting ads and taking names content media
Mar 29, 2018
In Raising awareness
Many local agencies and organizations offer "training" regarding sex trafficking. These sessions are often targeted to teens or to first responders as a preventative measure. Armed with the knowledge of how traffickers recruit victims teens are much more prepared to identify a risky situation and hopefully stay away from someone who may traffick them. First responders who know the signs of a trafficking victim can assist in identifying a potential or current victim.
Mar 29, 2018
In Raising awareness
I serve as a volunteer with a local community awareness group called Not in My Neighborhood. This all volunteer group identifies expert speakers in the local Fort Worth area in the field of forensic interviewing and criminal justice and brings them face to face with community members. Typically these are hosted at neighborhood forums such as churches or community centers. At each meeting a survivor tees up the importance of the issue, followed by an overview of what child sex trafficking is, how to identify the signs of trafficking and what to do if someone has information regarding a potential trafficking victim. Criminal justice experts update the group as to the latest news on local cases and what their departments are doing to fight this crime.


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